
Stock photograph of workers

Resources to help you convert, start, and grow an employee-owned business

Our team is here to meet you where you are on your journey towards employee ownership, regardless of whether you are exploring your options for the first time, or have been operating an employee-owned business for 30+ years. We encourage you to browse through our resources to learn more about the different models available for your consideration. If you would like to discuss your options with a specialist, our team is happy to meet with you. Please complete our advisory service intake form to schedule a meeting.

Resource Library

Employee Ownership 101

What is employee ownership, and which model is the right fit for your business?

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

ESOPs give workers ownership interest in the company through a benefit plan.

Worker-owned Cooperatives

Worker-owned cooperatives are a democratic business model where workers share ownership and decision-making for the business.

Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)

EOTs are owned by a perpetual trust requiring all profits, aside from what is needed for reinvestment, go to the employees.

Employee Ownership Video Library

Our on-demand collection of employee ownership workshops and events are available to help you convert, start, grow, and finance an employee-owned business.

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